As this year comes to a close, we want to thank those throughout the Kiddie Academy system who performed acts of kindness in their communities in 2018.
In July, we challenged our nationwide network of Academies to participate in an “Acts of Kindness” campaign, where students and families participated in and chronicled their own acts for a full week. The campaign was created with the goal to inspire Kiddie Academy students to perform acts of kindness toward their classmates, families, friends and communities. The campaign resulted in hundreds of social posts including photos and videos that embodied the theme of kindness and consideration to others.
Kindness is one of the key values we teach as part of Kiddie Academy’s focus on Character Education. Along with compassion, cooperation, generosity and empathy, it helps lay a foundation of understanding for the children about how what they do can make a positive difference in the lives of others.
“Shaping and inspiring children for the future has always been at the heart of Kiddie Academy’s purpose,” said Kiddie Academy’s President, Greg Helwig. “By consciously performing acts of kindness, our students have a hands-on opportunity to demonstrate these values in action and also witness the impact of their kind acts on others.”
But acts of kindness shouldn’t be limited to one week during the year. There are always opportunities to help others. Acts of kindness can be big or small. Something as simple as holding a door open for someone is a great way to be kind to others.
Our family of Academies put these values into action through many shared activities over the course of 2018. There were giving campaigns, food drives, coat drives, letters to members of the armed services and many, many other worthwhile ways our Academies helped spread kindness in their communities. Here are just a few examples:
Kiddie Academy of Vacaville (CA) – They made visits to Paramount House Senior Living, shared sweet treats with the Vacaville Police Department, and helped clean local parks.
KA of Whitestone (NY) – They collected items to donate to the local Ronald McDonald House, left kindness bubbles and sidewalk chalk in a local park, and gave a thank-you card, treats and cold water to their UPS delivery man.
KA of Phoenixville (PA) – The Academy’s school-age children collected litter to help keep their neighborhood clean.
Kiddie Academy of Round Rock (TX) – They provided water to construction workers repairing sidewalks outside their Academy in the hot Texas sun.
You can browse many other kindness examples by searching posts with the hashtag #kiddieacademykindness on Facebook.
Keep up the great work in 2019. These acts of kindness show our friends and neighbors that at Kiddie Academy, when we say, “Community Begins Here,” it’s more than just a motto.
Thank you for reading along, as we work together in raising the next generation of amazing kids!
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